Re: syslog security problems

Mark Graff (Mark.Graff@Corp.Sun.COM)
Thu, 24 Feb 94 16:04:33 PST

Well it wasn't much of a vacation, but I am back.

We always give out the best information we have in response to inquiries
like yours. We can never know for sure what our priorities will be day
to day. Lately, as readers of this mailing list will know, we have been
pulled in many directions at once. Some of our best intentions have gone
for naught; but it`s not for lack of good intentions or effort.

We are aware of a problem with syslogd and will have a patch out very soon.

     \\ \        Mark G. Graff
    \ \\ /       Sun Security Coordinator
   / \/ / /      MS MPK2-04
  / /   \//\     2550 Garcia Avenue
  \//\   / /     Mountain View, CA 94043-1100
   / / /\ /      Phone: 415-688-9151
    / \\ \       Fax:   415-688-9101
     \ \\        Email: mark.graff@Sun.COM

 From  Thu Feb 24 13:29:17 1994
 Subject: syslog security problems
 Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 13:01:09 -0800 (PST)
 Content-Type :  text
 Precedence: bulk

 When I asked someone from Sun about the syslog problem a month ago,
 they responded they were aware of the problem and a patch would be out
 in a few days.

 Recently I asked again and was told their patch guy is on vacation.

 I'm loosing hope.

 Mike Evans -- -- -- Primus Control Research